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14 August 2020 Extract of ACMA's respose to ANRA letter of 3 July 2020 requesting further clarification and information relating to the Use it or Lose It provisions (UIOLI), Licence Renewal Payments and Regional Journalism.

UIOLI Review

The ACMA noted that the Minister had requested the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and DOCA give consideration to such a review (UIOLI) in consultation with ANRA and the ACMA. Licence Renewal Payments The ACMA also responded in relation to concerns raised by ANRA members about licence status on the ACMA Register of Radiocommunications Licences (RRL) where payment support arrangements are in place. If an arrears payment is yet to be paid then the licence status may show as “Expired” or “On-hold” until the arrears payment has been received. However, members felt such apparatus licences should still show as "Granted" on the RRL. The ACMA assured Narrowcast licensees not to be concerned by this status as they can continue to operate. The ACMA will contact the licensee if payment is not received within the agreed payment terms. If licensees have concerns they should request the matter be looked at by the ACMA’s Licensing team, via Regional Journalism In regard to regional journalism the ACMA directed ANRA's members to information on the Department’s website about the Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic which may be useful:

The ACMA thanked ANRA for our continued work in this sector and the support for narrowcaster licensees.

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